Dr. Tursinawati, S.Pd.I., M.Pd.


Tursinawati was born in Banda Aceh, December 12, 1983. She holds a Masters degree in Basic Education at the Indonesian University of Education. Currently he is pursuing a Doctor of Basic Education at the Indonesian University of Education. His expertise is basic education in the field of Natural Sciences. Like his research that discusses research on the nature of science, scientific attitudes, several models for the teaching of natural sciences such as research models related to studies in elementary schools. In 2010, he compiled a master’s degree, he and his colleagues wrote a book called “Problems of Basic Education” (Problems of Basic Education). To achieve a complete and successful educational goal, he engages his students in various training and community activities such as smoking safety training and guiding his students to develop their creativity. In addition, he is also often involved as a speaker and participant in training and participants to improve knowledge and skills related to primary school education. Indonesian Elementary School Teacher Education Lecturer Association (Indonesian Elementary School Teacher Education Lecturer Association) is an embodiment to increase his professional knowledge as a lecturer. In 2017, he received an award as a training facilitator from USAID Prioritas.

Nama Dr. Tursinawati, S.Pd.I., M.Pd.
Tempat/Tgl. Lahir Banda Aceh, 12-12-1983
Jenjang Pendidikan S3 Pendidikan Dasar
Jabatan Fungsional Lektor
Bidang Pendidikan Dasar
Status Kepegawaian PNS
NIP 198312122015042001
NIDN 0112128302
E-Mail tursinawati@usk.ac.id
Link FSD https://fsd.usk.ac.id/tursinawati/
Google Scholar https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&view_op=list_works&authuser=2&gmla=AJsN-F7CxTLYLN150D8jP-gp4TpHZMseot2tfjLA564BcYGOUAPFb_agQar26yCccontmh3IzyGYjpX83zAjXVffccSoAQIdmpwS7OZgGMED3fwA-TNrkA53g7n0hqOnatCzr360dAg8&user=Ld2x1hwAAAAJ
Sinta https://sinta.kemdikbud.go.id/authors/profile/6016264
Curriculum Vitae

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